Hola Amigo (Hello Friend), I'm glad that you've reached this point, So let's get started! I suppose many of you already know of the Documan Telegram Chatbot that's been active for the past year, this website is the Web-Version of Documan, Documan is a Digital Library Service made by students, for students, maintained by the students.

What this website can offer you?

Unlike many other websites, this is dynamic which means there is always something new rolling out! Sounds sweet right? If you see on the top right corner of your device, whether be mobile or desktop/laptop you'll see a grid icon,  try clicking on it, that's your personal dashboard, it has quick-links to your subjects and other essential information,

This Website has support for all the B.Tech Departments Computers, Civil, Electronics, Electrical, Mechanical and IT, All the course files can be found in one place and your current courses are Neatly organised by Theory - sub-categorised into Units and Lab, you can find the links in your dashboard. You also have access to all files of all subjects in your department and the other departments as well. All the files have nice preview pictures by which you can have a glance at the file, these files are readily accessible and are open to all no restrictions whatsoever, the files are also downloadable so that you can preemptively have files on hand before your internet connection goes bad or if you're out of range.

That's all about the files now let's get to the part which will get you excited 😉, I know that all the websites these days have been more of a oneway communication or if any of the two way communication existed it was mostly limited to our WhatsApp/Telegram groups, Documan presents you the Student blog, the two-way communication on a larger platform open for discussions and more and Announcements, your one-stop for all major updates from Documan and the developer

Student Blog

In the Student Blog, you can get as creative as you can get, you can make rich engaging posts, link text, have numbered /ordered lists, add emojis, mathematical notations ₲¾µ, the Grammarly Extension is supported on the web browser as well.

Emphasise with headings like this one XD

We've got you covered

There's one last thing left to say you can even add code and ask questions, all the code is syntax highlighted and All the popular programming languages are supported

Let's see some examples

/* Program to Add Two Integers */
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {    

    int number1, number2, sum;
    printf("Enter two integers: ");
    scanf("%d %d", &number1, &number2);

    // calculating sum
    sum = number1 + number2;      
    printf("%d + %d = %d", number1, number2, sum);
    return 0;

The output:

Enter two integers: 12
12 + 11 = 23

Last but not least, the Search! Documan Search can be accessed by clicking on the magnifying glass at the top of the page, It's powerful and handy a must-try!

Documan is actively maintained for ECE Department as of now, if you want your department to be actively maintained as well, Contact me if you want to volunteer to maintain your Department/Year my contact details can be found at the bottom of the page :D

Want to add something to the student blog? do you like the Web-Version of Documan? Let me know in the comments below!

Thank you for reading and staying with me till the end!

Goodbye until next time! 😀

~ Kalyan Mudumby